iOS 11.0-11.4.1の脱獄が可能な「Electra1141」がリリースされました。 ipaファイルをCydia Impactorで転送して脱獄するものとなっており、再起動後に復帰が必要となっています。 また、7日ごとにCydia ImpactorでElectraアプリを入れ直す必要があります。
2020/06/30 2020/05/22 2017/02/16 2019/01/16 2019/08/07 2016/07/30 2018/01/07
2020/05/22 2017/02/16 2019/01/16 2019/08/07 2016/07/30
Actually, that is iOS 11.4. In fact, it is the fourth bug fixed version of iOS 11. So there is something we must know about iOS 11.4. That is the method of Cydia download for iOS 11.4. Actually, if we have a knowledge on Cydia 2019/12/09 2017/11/09 2017/08/17 2017/08/20 However, instead of searching for “Cydia Impactor Download” anywhere, we have provided all individual links for downloading Cydia Impactor iOS 11, 12, etc. Always keep in mind that the older versions of iOS are prone to throw unknown cydia impactor errors.
Evasi0nでiOS 11.3.1 / 11.3 / 11/10/9/8/7 / 6.xデバイスを脱獄する方法 無料ダウンロードPangu to JailbreakあなたのiPhone iOS Jaibreaking中にCydia Impactorで“ provision.cpp:150”エラーを修正する方法 Yalu 102が機能しない問題と 2020/06/23 Cydia Impactor Download Cydia Impactor is an application that can sideload any IPA file through a Windows, Mac or Linux PC to any kind of iDevice. You just have to pick the application and execute it on your PC. 2018/10/14 2019/11/14 2019/02/17
Cydia alternative for Jailbroken devices. unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 13.5. Jailbreak iOS 11.0 - 13.5 on iPhone, iPad, and iPod. unc0ver jailbreak for tvOS.